Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Club Penguin's 4th Anniversery!

Club Penguin is celebrating it's 4th anniversery by throwing a party. The party is only 1 day and is in the Coffee Shop. These two pics show how to find the Party Hat and the Pin.

Mouse over the pinata until it explodes. The party hat will be on the floor under it. Under the first picture, it shows where the pin is.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Contest Winner

Hey guys. Since Incredible71 didn't answer the last question, Jamesbond98 wins! Congratz James! Thanks again to all of u that competed!

Friday, October 16, 2009

October 2009 Better Igloo Cheats

Clubpenguin's 4th anniversary party!

Ok guys, This is really important!! Coming up on October 24th, is Clubpenguin's 4th anniversary party! Clubpenguin started on October 24, 2005. Now, this is your chance to get a birthday party hat from cp! It's only one day, so mark your calendars! Here's a letter that I got from them. Make sure to go to the coffee shop to get your beta hat.


Guys, that question was super easy! I don't know y u had so much trouble with it! It was in the plaza on top of the stage, lol. Ok, none of u guys got it right so here's the next clue.

What room is this item located in?
Good luck! You have 2 days to answer this question!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mystery Post No. 3!

Ok guys. Looks like Jamesbond98 and Incredible got the question right again! Ok well here's the clue for only them to answer.

Which room is this item located in?
Good Luck! You only have 2 days to answer!

Mixpod Contest!

Ok guys. U know what to do. All u have to do is just comment on this post saying what song u want me to add on the mixpod.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mystery Post Question No. 2!

Ok guys, here's the next question. Remember, the only ppl that can answer this question are Jamesbond98 and Incredible71.

What room is this item located in?

Good Luck! You have 2 days to answer this question!

Contest Answer!

Ok, since everyone has answered, I will now give u the answer to the question. ok the correct answer was... THE GIFT SHOP! I know a lot of u thought the sport shop but it's the gift shop since the picture had a pink background but the sport shop had a gray background. So the ppl that got the question right was Jamesbond98 and Incredible71. I will give the second question in the next post. Congratz to the winners!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mystery Post No. 1!

Ok guys. This is the first clue to the contest. Remember, all u have to do is answer the question by commenting on this post. The only people that can answer this question are the people that commented on the registration post. Ok, here it is...

1. Which room is this item located in?
Good Luck! U have 2 days to answer this question!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dark Dojo!

Have any of you guys seen what's up with with the Dojo? Well, I think the volcano is making the sky around filled with smoke. Take a look at how dark it looks!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Clubpenguin Storm is coming again!

Guys, yet another storm is coming again! They waves are really moving fast now! You can find the waves at the cove, not the lighthouse.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hey guys. I have another contest for u!! Ok, so here's the deal. It's very different from the famous penguin contest. Instead, I will be posting one mystery post that u guys will have to answer. Whoever gets it right, moves on to the next question, until there is just one person left. If u get the answer wrong on one of the posts, u are out. I will not give the first post until everybody comments on this post saying if u would like to join or not.

Registration Ends: October 10th
Contest Starts: October 11th
Prize: Series 2 Card Jitsu coin code


Jet Pack Cheat

Friday, October 2, 2009

Clothing Catalog Cheats

How to Find the Blue Viking Helmet,

1.Click the place I circled

2.Open and close the Red Viking Helmet pop-up 3 times

3: On your fourth time opening, you should get a blue viking helmet.