Sunday, August 30, 2009


Guys, the contest ends the day after tommorrow not tommorrow. Sorry, lol.

Problem Fixed!

Hey guys. A lot of u guys have been emailing me about my site having some problems. Thanks to Jamesbond98, he solved the problem! The problem was the clubpenguin widget. It seems that that widget came from Since james is an admin, he deleted the widget and got the site back to normal again. Thx again James!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

3 days left!!

Hey guys. In case u haven't noticed the poll, we only have 3 days left till the contest ends! WOOT! Ok, so good luck to everybody, and remember, DON'T POST THE PICTURES HERE. EMAIL THEM TO ME!!! 

Contest Ends: September 1 2009 (in 3 days)

P.S No pictures will be accepted after 12:00 a.m of September 2. Good luck to everyone that's competing! 

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I was on club penguin, went to the dock and saw there was a penguin named Mr. Billybob. There was about 75 penguins in the dock, so I actually thought he/she was the real one. Here is a pic:

Rockhopper is coming back!!

Hey dudes and dudettes. Just in case u haven't noticed, Rockhopper is here! Take a look.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Take a look at this penguin!

LOL! Hey ppl. Take a look at this penguin!


Ppl who are competing in the contest, this is important! U don't post all of your pictures here. Instead, email them to me at the site email address ( So, don't post them here, ok? Good luck to everyone!

Contest Ends: September 1, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mimo Party

Based on Taco's post, I was also at the party. Unlike him, I was able to see Mimo777. Here is a pic.

Underwater Adventure!

Hey guys. I know this is kind of late, but I want to post about it anyway. Ok, its about the underwater adventure at the stage! The layout is one of the coolest I have ever seen before. Take a look for your self!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Famous Penguin Contest

Hey guys. For those of you that are participating in the contest, just want to let u know that you need to remember your points. Why? Because there are about 5 ppl competing in the contest and I might not remember all of your points. Also, for those of u that don't know, the contest is ending in less than 2 weeks so u better start finding those famous penguins! Good luck to everyone!

C0ntest Ends: September 1, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Met Gary

Take a look at this player card backgroung Gary is giving away.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ballon Ride

Since I'm a member I got on to the ballon ride and I got these pics.

PS: The green flying hat is in the plaza!!!



Finally, the Festival of Flights is underway! Its pretty amazing! Get your propeller cap in the Plaza, and your Jet Pack in the Hot Air Balloon. Unfortunatly, Only members can enter the Hot Air Balloon. Too bad. But, Club Penguin also released a new pin. Get it from the Mine. Here it is on my player card

Meeting Gary

Hey guys. During the whole Festival 0f Flight, you can meet Gary! I just met him today, thx to Jamesbond98. He are a couple of pics.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

More News and Info

hi, taco is here and im gonna tell you all more news and other info going around club penguin. Starting off with the Club Penguin Times. It just published it's 200th edition. What an accomplishment! Also on August 21st, a play will be performed called "Underwater Adventure". Still looking for more info about that. I also have a CP cheat for you. Take a look at this:

Clubpenguin Times 200th issue!

The title says it all... and it's right! Today is the 200th issue of the clubpenguin times! (woot) Take a look!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Somebody Hacked Club Penguin!!!

I was on club penguin just now and these blue penguins started dancing crazy with this green penguin with rotating headphones!!! Here is a picture!!! I think they were doing the ninja dance

Monday, August 10, 2009

Famous Penguin Contest

Ok hey guys. I will be starting a contest about meeting famous penguins. I will create a list of famous penguins that you will have to try and meet. The catch is that you will have to either get a postcard from them, be their buddy and copy and paste it on my site at the deadline date, or get pictures of them with you and the famous penguin together. Remember, player cards don't count. You have to either email or post every proof you have at the deadline date. I will separate each famous penguin into a group. The no. 1 group counts as 1 point, the no. 2 group counts as 2 points, etc. The higher the group number, the more points you get. Here's the list.

Group 1: Happywagon, Were2, Gamer12356, Tboyman, WiiWiiWii1, Sand Flipper, Dex Dude, Faith Flipper, Rockhoppergp

Group 2: Leish7, Cena12121, Matthew722, 3jel97

Group 3: Coco, Saavy, Jmann93, Zxz192, A kiwi Boy, Rsnail, Kingpin2, Lux1200, Ray Toolbear, Fano, Phat Fano, Tooly228

Group 4: Billybob, Fever, Nachoflame, Mimo777, Chrisdog93, Gizmo, Screenhog, Straw000, Wwe Adam, Graser8, Bad Boy, BikeBoy93, Heatblast227, Paintboy,

If you think I missed a penguin, email me at Also, if you would like to join this contest, comment on this post with your cp name at the bottom.

Contest Starts: August 11, 2009
Ends: September 1 2009
Prize for the winner : 1 month membership card

Note that you will have to be an author/admin in order to join this contest. Email me at if you want to be an author on my site just for this contest. If you want you could just send them to me by email and you don't have to be an author/admin.

Good Luck to Everyone!

P.S My blogroll might be helpful in finding these famous penguins.

New Job!

I'm back!
Hi. Its Taco32885 and i have some good news. Guara added me as a cheat agent to his site! A cheat agent is an agent who looks for interesting stuff around club penguin. I already have some pretty hot topics. Starting off with the color vote. Remember how I told you all to vote for Aqua? Well, now everybody hates it. Aqua is almost exactly the same as light blue! Also Gary known as "G" wants to lift the Club Penguin Underground Pool to the skies. Anyone who wants to can pitch in to help Gary. The Festival of Flights will taking place August 14-18. Have fun!

I met Sand Flipper!

Hey guys. I have finally met Sand Flipper! For those of you that don't know him, he is a famous person on pandanda and clubpenguin. Unfortunately, I didn't get to be his buddy. (though I am his buddy on pandanda) But, I did get a postcard from him. Check it out!

My new Igloo

Hey guys. I made a new igloo and it will stay like this for a long time. Take a look!

New Pin at CP

Hey guys. If you go to the gift shop and click on the catalog and open to the last page, you would see a new pin... the columbia flag! Check it out!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Aqua is a Ripoff!

1. Aqua
2. Light Blue

Hey guys. As you know, aqua won! I was really excited until I bought it because it looked exactly liked light blue! What a ripoff!