It's here! If you're a member ninja and have the mask and the Amulet, head to the Fire Dojo now for the chance to play Card-Jitsu Fire first!!
4 ninjas can play all at once - If you want to practice with friends, you can go to the mats - or if you want to earn your Fire Suits, talk to Sensei! There are a couple of different types of battles you can have on the game board.
Hey - those of you with new Card-Jitsu Fire trading card codes have been getting a message that we weren't quite ready for them. We're really sorry for the delay - and we wanted to say thank you for being so patient! They're ready now and you can redeem them for your online cards. We also wanted to remind you that if you see anything that could be a bug, let us know so we can squash it...
Have fun playing Card-Jitsu Fire!! We really want to know what you think!
As alot of you know, Sensei is came back to cp! He will always be at the fire dojo or the ninja hideout, so don't look anywhere else. The tracker is at the sidebar, and it really works this time! I've tried it. Keep refreshing the page to refresh the tracker!
Hey guys! There's a lot of good news, so listen up. First off, the ice rink is coming back! It's gonna be great! That's not all though. On November 27, there will be a snowball festival and some additional mini games! It's gonna be great!
Hi guys. In case you don't know, there is a new game on Club Penguin, called Card-Jitsu Fire. It doesn't open until November 24th. (Only for Member Ninjas). Here is how you enter the secret room to play the game:
1. Go to the Dojo Courtyard
2. Go to the Ninja Hideout
3. Click on the Ninja Catalog.
4. Buy the Amulet on the 1st page of the catalog(200 coins)
5. Stand on the Fire, Water, Ice design on the floor of the Dojo.
6. On the left side of your screen, a fire board should have popped up.
7. Click on the Fire Board
8. A big wall should have popped up on the left side of your screen.
9. Enter the big wall
10. This is the site of the new game, "Card Jitsu Fire"
Time for some new songs for the mixpod! Just comment on what songs you would like. Remember, all the songs currently on the mixpod will be deleted so if u want some to stay on, comment again with the song name and the artist.
The Club Penguin Storm has ended along with the Halloween party!
Also, while Gary was here, he helped stop the Volcano to erupt!
Take a look:
Click to enlarge
Also, the predictions were right! We ARE going to be getting amulets! Club Penguin made a whole new table and blueprints and everything to start helping the Goldsmiths make amulets!
See for yourself:
Click to enlarge
The amulet currently isn't available in the Ninja Catalog, but look what I discovered when I was searching for it:
Click to enlarge
That's right, it's a Gold Smith Apron to help the Gold Smiths!
Well that's all for now! I'll keep you updated for more news!
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